Why Become an Insurance Agent?

When searching for a career that might fit you personally it is important to search for something that will fulfill you. The best job you can find for yourself is one that does not... [Read More]

Real Estate Agents Should SERIOUSLY Consider a P&C License

If you saw $20 laying on the ground you would pick it up and put it in your pocket, wouldn't you?  If you are a successful real estate agent and you do not have your Property and Casualty Insurance license you... [Read More]

Engage Your Senses and Come Out On Top

The Insurance Exam to become licensed is one of the biggest obstacles many will face to entering their chosen career.  However, it doesn’t have to be painful. Even for those who... [Read More]

Will Bankruptcy Affect my Ability to Get an Insurance License?

If you’re planning to file for bankruptcy—or have a bankruptcy in your past—you may be concerned about any effect it may have on your insurance career. While insurance license regulations differ from... [Read More]

What to do if You Fail the Insurance License Exam

Concerned that you failed your state insurance exam? Understand that you are not alone. Luckily, failing the insurance license exam does not necessarily mean you are going to ruin your chances at a successful... [Read More]

The TESTivity Affiliate Program

The TESTivity Affiliate Reseller Program was created to allow insurance sales organizations and motivated entrepreneurs to take advantage of our industry leading learning platform while creating additional... [Read More]

What Can I Sell with a Property and Casualty License?

The insurance industry offers stable employment options because there is always a need for insurance professionals. Having an insurance license also makes job applicants more marketable, as it requires... [Read More]

Starting Your Own Insurance Agency

If you are thinking about why should you consider starting your own insurance agency, don’t take my word for it. There are many resources out there to help you become an insurance agent and to get an insurance... [Read More]

Section I Vs Section II of a Homeowners Policy

The homeowners insurance policy offers the equivalent of a financial backstop in case your home and belongs are damaged or destroyed. If you’ve just begun insurance school... [Read More]

Insurance Careers--Sales

One of the benefits of starting a career in the insurance industry is the ability to go into a few different paths. Of course, many people choose to go into insurance sales. Maybe it's... [Read More]

The Insurance Licensing Exam Virtual Learning Experience is AMAZING! This package includes EVERYTHING you need to pass the insurance licensing exam!

  • Interactive Video Course
  • Virtual Textbook
  • Audio Reinforcement
  • Virtual Flash Cards
  • TESTivity Mind Maps
  • Interactive Crossword Puzzles
  • Quizzes and Exam Simulator
Virtual Learning Experience--Includes Everything!

You have stumbled upon the Holy Grail of insurance licensing FAQs...You should go buy a lottery ticket before your luck fades.

Much of what you need to know to get your insurance license is State Specific, don't be afraid to click away from this page; the state specific page is probably where you want to be anyway...

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Thank you for visiting the LATITUDE Insurance & Securities Test Prep online insurance school and good luck with your licensing exam!