Utah Online Insurance School
The TESTivity Virtual Learning Experience is a web based pre-license course that includes all the study material you could possibly need to prepare for (and pass) your Utah Life, Accident & Health, Property & Casualty and Investment License exams.
--Matt Williams CLU, ChFC, CFP®
Life, Accident, Disability & Sickness (Life & Health) | |
Utah Life & Health Insurance License Full Course--Virtual Learning Experience | $134 |
Utah Accident & Health Insurance License Full Course--Virtual Learning Experience | $134 |
Utah Life Insurance License Full Course--Virtual Learning Experience | $134 |
Simply because it is the best way to prepare for the Utah insurance exam, at our insurance school we strongly suggest you enroll in the full test prep course--Virtual Learning Experience. To accommodate those Utah insurance license candidates who only need part of the course, you may purchase prelicense study material/learning tools separately below.
The full course includes ALL of these learning tools.
Individual Learning Tools for the Utah Insurance License Exam | |
--Choose your course of study during checkout--
| |
Video Course | $79 |
Virtual Text Book | $49 |
Audio Course | $39 |
Virtual Flash Cards | $39 |
Quizzes and Exam Simulator | $39 |
Crossword Puzzles | $29 |
Mind Maps | $29 |
What our students have to say... |
Utah Insurance School Study Material for the Licensing Exam--Product Samples | ||
Utah Insurance Exam PreLicense Video Course |
Utah Insurance Exam Virtual Text Book |
Utah Insurance License Exam Audio Course |
Learning Games for the Utah Insurance Exam |
Mind Mapping Graphics--Utah Insurance Test Prep |
Online Utah Insurance Exam Flash Cards |
Utah Insurance Test Practice Questions & Exam Simulator |
Glossary of Insurance License Exam Terms |
Personal Coach--Utah Insurance Exam Expert |
EVERYTHING is included in our online Utah insurance license course, the TESTivity Virtual Learning Experience. |
Everything you need to know about how to get an insurance license in Utah...
- What are the questions on the Utah insurance exam like? Do you have any sample insurance test questions?
- Where is your Utah insurance school located?
- Who issues insurance licenses in the state of Utah? How do I contact them?
- What are the requirements to get a Resident Utah Insurance License?
- If I am licensed in another state do I have to take an exam to get a Utah non-resident producer’s insurance license?
- Can I apply for a Non-Resident License on-line?
- Will my Utah insurance license expire?
- How do I renew my Utah insurance license?
- What if my license has already expired?
- Are there any Continuing Education (CE) requirements to maintain/renew my Utah insurance license?
- Are there any exceptions to the CE requirement?
- Can all the CE hours be done either on line or through home study methods?
- How far back can I start using my C.E. credits?
- If I add a line of authority to an existing license, does it change my expiration date?
- Do I need to get fingerprinted to get a Utah insurance license?
- If I pass the pre-license exam am I guaranteed to get an insurance license?
- Can I find out if I will pass the background check before I take the exam?
- What can I expect at the testing center?
- On test day, should I get to the PSI test site early?
- I am not good with computers. Can I take the exam “old school” with pencil and paper?
- Will I get a hard copy of my Utah insurance license? Will it be suitable for framing?
- How long are test scores valid after passing the exam?
- After I submit my license application and test scores how can I verify the status of my license application?
- Does a person have to be licensed to receive a commission?
- How do I schedule my exam for the Utah Insurance License?
- Where is the closest PSI testing center to me?
- What ID is acceptable at the testing center?
- Is an agency required to have continuing education?
- I Heard the there are “experimental” questions on the test that do not count towards my final score...Is this true?
- Does a producer have to re-test or be fingerprinted if his license lapses?
- When will I know if I have passed the exam?
- What if I fail my exam?
- How do I renew my license?
- How long after I have a change of address must it be reported to the department?
- How can I go about changing the address on my license?
- How do I request a letter of certification?
- What if I fail my exam?
- How do I get a hard copy of my license?
- I am moving to Utah, how do I convert my existing insurance license (from another state) to a Utah resident producer’s license?
- What if it has been over 90 days since I moved to Utah and I have not converted my license?
- What if it has been over 365 days since I moved to Utah and I have not converted my license?
- How do I get an appointment with an insurance company?
- How much is all this going to cost me?
- If I am licensed in another state do I have to take an exam to get a Utah non-resident producer’s insurance license?
- I am a claims adjuster. What do I do if I want to adjust claims in Utah?
- What do I do if I move or change my contact phone number?
- Do I have to notify the Department of Insurance if I change my name? What about changing the name of my insurance business?
- Where can I get the forms referenced on this page?
What are the questions on the Utah insurance exam like? Do you have any sample insurance test questions?
The questions in our insurance exam simulator are VERY representative of the questions on the Utah state licensing exam. Here are a couple examples of what you can expect:
Utah Insurance School Sample Practice Questions from the Licensing Exam | ||
Life & Health Insurance Questions Which of the following insurance concepts makes an insured "whole"?
Property & Casualty Insurance Questions Which of the following homeowners' policies provide named peril coverage on contents and all risk protection on the entire dwelling?
Utah Insurance Regulations In Utah, a lapsed policy may be reinstated:
Answer: C Property and liability insurance policies are contracts of indemnity. This means that an insured is only entitled to recover payment to the extent of the economic loss incurred. The principle of indemnity states that no one should profit from an insurance claim. This principle prevents an insured from profiting from an insurance policy. The purpose of buying insurance is not to make a profit, but to restore the insured to the same financial condition that was in existence prior to the loss (make them whole). |
Answer: B The HO-3 policy form provides open-peril coverage on Coverages A, B and D. Coverage C, however, is protected on a named peril basis. The HO3 policy provides the broadest scope of coverage since it provides all-risk insurance protection. |
Answer: D If a policy lapses, Utah insurance law allows the policy owner may apply to have the policy reinstated. The insured must provide evidence of insurability; and pay past-due premiums, any outstanding policy loans, and interest on the outstanding loan and past-due premiums. Reinstatement must be applied for within 3 years. |
Insurance exam practice questions and the exam simulator are included in our online Utah insurance license course, the TESTivity Virtual Learning Experience. |
You can get more free insurance exam sample questions and and lots of other cool stuff on our Insurance Licensing Test Tips page (near the bottom under FREE insurance exam practice tests).
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Where is your Utah insurance school located?
The best way to prepare for your Utah insurance exam is through the TESTivity Virtual Learning Experience, which is entirely online. Occasionally we are asked to provide a live class for a large group. When we teach class in the Salt Lake City area we use the Embassy Suites conference room located at:
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Who issues insurance licenses in the state of Utah? How do I contact them?
Utah Insurance Department
The department's physical address is:
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
TheUtah Insurance Department Producer Licensing Division is located in the State Office Building on the 3rd floor in Salt Lake City.
Phone is (801) 538-3855
Fax number is (801) 538-3830
E-mail address is licensing.uid@utah.gov.
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What are the requirements to get a Resident Utah Insurance License?
- Must be 18 years of age or older.
- Must have a Social Security Number.
- Must be a resident of Utah.
- Must take and pass any applicable licensing examination. Contact PSI.
- Submit an application and appropriate licensing fees online at SIRCON or NIPR.
- All initial resident license applicants must be fingerprinted.
- Must meet character requirements under U.C.A. Section 31A-23a-107.
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If I am licensed in another state do I have to take an exam to get a Utah non-resident producer’s insurance license?
- Certainly Not. In accordance with UCA Section 31A-23a-109, Generally, Utah has mutual reciprocity agreements with other states. Given that the status of your license in your state
remains in good order, and also your application with the department as well as fees were correctly processed, Utah will certainly offer license to nonresident person
or perhaps an organization with the very same license in their state of residence. You have to:
- Be licensed and the license for all lines for which you are applying must be in good standing in your resident state.
- Submit the application form as well as licensing fees on the internet at SIRCON or NIPR.
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Can I apply for a Non-Resident License on-line?
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Will my Utah insurance license expire?
Yes. Insurance licenses do expire.
The Utah insurance division makes use of month of birth renewal method. For new licenses, the initial replacing date could range from 24 to 35 months from the date of new license issuance which would certainly fall on the last day of the birth month of the individual and a private license have termination/replacing date of the birth month for every two (2) years. Thus, renewals would come every two years on the last day of the month of birth of licensee.
However, licenses for Organizations/Agencies also expire at the last date of the month of issuance every two (2) years.
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How do I renew my Utah insurance license?
- Renewal of Individual licenses (among them are: Producer, Title, Surplus Lines Producer, Managing General Agent (MGA), Adjuster, Consultant, Reinsurance Intermediary , Third Party Administrator (TPA) : $75
- Certified Application Counselor or Individual Navigator: - $40
- Limited Lines License Renewal (Credit, Legal-Expense, Bail Bond, Car Rental, Crop, Motor Club, GAP Waiver, Travel, Portable Electronics and Self-Service Storage): - $50
- Agency/Organization License Renewal (this includes Producer, Title, Surplus Lines Producer, Consultant, Reinsurance Intermediary , Third Party Administrator (TPA), Adjuster, Managing General Agency (MGA) as well as Limited Lines): - $85
- Certified Application Counselor Organization or Navigator: - $50
An expiration reminder email will be sent to any licensee two months before the date of expiration informing you about license expiration coming up. The Utah Insurance Unit has stopped paper renewals and all renewal applications are done electronically and online.
Before ever license renewal, the necessary continuing education (CE) has to be fulfilled.
Submission of Fingerprints are not essential for renewals.
There's also 24/7 automated renewal available till 10pm Mountain time on day of expiration. The renewal charges are listed below:
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What if my license has already expired?
- Reinstatement of Individual License (such as Producer, Title, Surplus Lines Producer , Adjuster , Managing General Agent (MGA), Consultant, Reinsurance Intermediary , Third Party Administrator (TPA): - $125
- Individual Navigator or Certified Application Counselor: $90
- Limited Lines License Reinstatement (Credit, Bail Bond, Legal-Expense, Motor Club, Crop, Car Rental, Portable Electronics, GAP Waiver, Travel, and Self-Service Storage): $100
- Organization License Reinstatement (like Producer , Title , Surplus Lines Producer , Consultant , Reinsurance Intermediary , Third Party Administrator ( TPA ), Adjuster , Managing General Agency ( MGA ) and Limited Lines ) : $135
- Navigator or Certified Application Counselor Organization: $100
If a licensee is unable to renew a license prior to the date of expiration s/he is eligible to reinstate that license within one year from the expiration date. Utah insurance Division has directed digital acceptance of reinstatements by means of SIRCON or NIPR which commenced from July 1, 2009.
Moreover, before renewal of license, the necessary continuing education (CE) ought to be accomplished.
For all resident digital reinstatements, head over to SIRCON or NIPR and for nonresident reinstatements, visit the very same platform. Reinstatements are accessible 24/7 from the fourth day of license inactivation to 12 months. Listed below are reinstatement charges:
It beholds the licensee to inform the insurance firms the individual is appointed with, as well as the agencies she or he is allotted to about the reinstatement of the license , of the reinstatement of his or her license and request a new appointment or designation. Also, a reinstated agency is furthermore in direct control of reinstating all of designees to their license.
After reinstatement of a non-active license, the reinstated license will likewise lapse on the very same day it should have been out of date supposing that the license never expired.
But in the event that the licensee does not reinstate a non-active license within 12 months of the inactivation will possibly not be able to reinstate the license again but the individual has to apply for a fresh license just as a completely new applicant.
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Are there any Continuing Education (CE) requirements to maintain/renew my Utah insurance license?
- 12 hours are required to be in the classroom or perhaps classroom courses equivalent
- No more than 12 hours may be from courses provided by insurers
- 3 hours should be in ethics coaching; while the outstanding 21 hours might be for any type of insurance
- All CE has to be from courses accredited by the Utah Insurance Division
- Presentation of proof of completion of continuing education hours ought to be properly filed with the producer. The Utah DOI might carry out sporadic audits of producers via mail to validate their CE hours.
- A total of 12 hours of CE are required, of which:
- Half should be in the school classroom or similar to classroom equivalent courses
- Not more than six hours should be from sessions offered by insurers
- A maximum of 3 hours are required to be in ethics practice; while the extra 9 hours could be for any aspect of insurance
- All 12 hours have to be from lessons accredited by the Utah Insurance Division
- When licensed for 20 or higher successive years, then, 6 hours becomes necessary with 3 of ethics
- Evidence of continuing education hours has to be properly filed with the producer. The Division might carry out arbitrary audits of producers via mail to confirm their CE hours.
Of course there is CE...Did you think they were going to make this easy for you? For Utah resident producers and also adjusters (other than title producers) must obtain 24 hours of continuing education, in which there:
Title producers shall comply with the following CE requirements.
A non-resident producer who has adhered to continuing education conditions in his/her resident state is not expected to undertake further CE for their non-resident license in Utah.
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Are there any exceptions to the CE requirement?
Pursuant to section 31A-23a-113(1)(b), a licensee whose permit expired as a result of military service or voluntary service for certain period chosen by the individual for whom the licensee offers voluntary service, or perhaps other sorts of extenuating situations, for example; prolonged medical debilitation, might be exempted from the continuing education demands in an effort to reinstate the license.
In line with 31A-23a-202(3)(d)(i), a licensee who was initially registered before 31st December, 1982 might also be exempt from continuing education conditions.
Producers that have and retaining the following designations are considered to have satisfied the CE conditions: CLU, ChFC and RHU with fulfillment of the PACE program; CPCU with the completion of the CPD course; and CFP, CIC, REBC, ACSR, SOFE, CRM, or IRES with the conclusion of their continuing education necessities.
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Can my continuing education hours be done on line or through home study...or is there a live classroom requirement?
At least half of all total required hours must be completed in the classroom.
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How far back can I start using my CE credits?
You may start using CE credits completed one day after the expiration/renewal date to count towards your next renewal. Even if you renewed the license before the expiration date, you must still wait until after the last renewal period ends before you start taking classes for the next renewal.
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If I add a line of authority to an existing license, does it change my expiration date?
No. Adding a line of authority is not adding an additional license. You are amending an existing license; therefore the expiration date does not change.
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Do I need to get fingerprinted to get a Utah insurance license?
- The prospect must have to apply for the exam online at PSI or perhaps by phone call via 800-733-9267 to plan a meeting for the license exam which will take place at PSI evaluation center. Along with the PSI exam fees, you will have to pay $20 PSI fingerprint running charge. The candidate must fix the examination meeting and then pay for the PSI exam charge before coming to the test center. The PSI fingerprinting charge shall be paid at the check center.
- After completing the exam, the prospect will then register online by using the kiosk within the PSI examination center. The license application includes a $36 to 50 FBI/BCI fingerprint fee* paid with credit card at the time of the internet application process. On the application online, the individual should print the SIRCON or NIPR verification page to present to the supervisor at the test center for proof of payment of the FBI/BCI fingerprint charges.
- After applying for a license online, the applicant will pay the $20 PSI fingerprint processing fee and have their fingerprints taken at the PSI test center.
- On completion of online license application, the candidate pays the $20 PSI fingerprint running charge and then their fingerprints will be taken at the PSI evaluation center.
- The candidate should visit PSI testing center during the fingerprint walk-in hours which is updated on PSI's website.
- Pay the $20 PSI working charge billed by money order, company check, cashier's check, Visa or MasterCard.
- Go online to register for the license either from home or perhaps your office at www.sircon.com/utah or www.nipr.com prior to going to the evaluation center for fingerprinting. However, one can register online at the kiosk close to test center too. Credit card must be used to pay for both the license application cost and the FBI/BCI fingerprint charge ($16.50 FBI/$20 BCI) during the online license application process.
- Upon finishing the internet application, the Sircon verification should be printed for proof FBI/BCI fees payment. Present the verification print out to the proctor at the test center then your fingerprints will be taken.
- The Fingerprint result would be sent to Utah insurance Unit for evaluation of the result information as well as the license application before license is issued.
The Utah Insurance Division usually requires all those making an application for a resident insurance license to be fingerprinted. Fingerprinting is conducted at PSI evaluation center, utilizing "live scan" technology, which digitally catches and then transfers the fingerprints to the Utah Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) as well as Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), for a criminal background profile check. But Fingerprinting is not required for resident licensees who want attain a line of professionalism to an active license.
For license categories that involve completing an exam (For example Resident Consultant, Resident Surplus Lines Producer, Resident Producer, Resident Public Adjuster, Resident Independent Adjuster), the procedure is listed below :
Note: If the candidate was successful in the exams but left the test center, s/he has to come back to the test center to get his or her fingerprints captured. They ought to provide the SIRCON or NIPR application printed verification whenever they come back to get their fingerprints taken.
For license categories that will not involve test (For example: Resident Limited Lines Producer, Managing General Agent , Bail Bond, Reinsurance Intermediary , Certified Application Counselor, Navigator) the procedure is usually as follows :
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If I pass the pre-license exam am I guaranteed to get an insurance license?
No. Filling your license application and also passing the pre-license exam would not guarantee that license will be issued to you. License issuance is determined by evaluation and acceptance of every license application details submitted, such as application inquiries relating to any previous criminal or even civil suits. You should thoroughly read the application instruction. Failing to provide information on criminal charges and all civil proceedings, felony, a misdemeanor, or any awaiting proceedings, may lead to rejection of your application or perhaps revocation of your license even after issuance. When your license application is rejected, a notification in writing will be sent to you with the reasons behind the rejection.
After passing the exam, electronically submit a completed license application form and also settle all necessary nonrefundable charges with credit card. However, application can be done online or even from home or your office at Sircon or NIPR. All application and fees payments would be electronically forwarded to the Utah insurance division. After evaluation and acceptance, you can now visit Sircon website to print out your license from Sircon. $5 to 50 charges applies. Conversely, when you register at this website www.produceredge.com, you can get a free copy of your license printed. Moreover, you require the license number together with closing 4 digits of your social security number.
The Utah insurance school does not receive paper applications any more. Every paper applications delivered to the Division would possibly not be processed and will be sent back to the individual.
Not every company appointment request will have to go with the candidate license application and license fee, however the individual must not presume to be a producer until the scheduled appointment process is finalized.
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Can I find out if I will pass the background check before I take the exam?
Candidates may not submit a license application for pre-screening purposes prior to taking the examination. The Utah DOI will not review criminal history prior to application. All license applications are to be submitted after successfully passing any required examinations.
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What can I expect at the testing center?
- Calculators are not permitted.
- A piece of scratch paper and a pencil will be provided to you which must be given back to the proctor after your exam.
- All these are also not allowed in the exam environment;, notes, briefcases, books, backpacks, cellular phones , hats, or even pagers ( note, the test centers do not have any room to keep your items ).
- Small purses (wallet size) may be allowed. But no candidate will be allowed to carry bigger purses to the candidate's seat.
- Smoking, eating, and drinking are not permitted in the test centers.
- The moment you are seated and the exam commences, no one is permitted to go away from the exam center but only to make use of the restroom, which must be only after you have got authorization from the proctor. And you cannot be given additional time to finish the exam.
- Any individual found offering or even accepting help, caught with any items not permitted, or maybe who violates any specific security rules will forfeit the exams and to give up all examination items and also leave the exam center Every one of such cases shall be disclosed to the Department which might lead to license denial.
The following security measures apply all through examinations:
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On test day, should I get to the PSI test site early?
On the day of the examination, you should arrive 30 minutes before your appointment. This extra time is for sign-in, identification, and familiarizing you with the examination process. If you arrive late, you may not be admitted to the examination site and you will forfeit your examination registration fee.
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I am not good with computers. Can I take the exam “old school” with pencil and paper?
No. Taking the PSI examination by computer is simple. You do not need any computer experience or typing skills. You will use fewer keys than you use on a touch-tone telephone. All response keys are colored and have prominent characters. You may also use the mouse.
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Will I get a hard copy of my Utah insurance license? Will it be suitable for framing?
The Utah insurance department does not print or mails hard copies of new, renewal or replicate licenses any more. However, you can print a hard copy of your license by visiting www.sircon.com/utah, and then by clicking on the connection named "Print a license.” Also, you could possibly print the license the instant it is granted.
To check the status of a new or renewal license whether it was approved and issued or not, visit: www.sircon.com/utah and then click the link “Check license application status” or click on “Check license renewal status;” Perhaps, check the Department's website at www.insurance.utah.gov, also go to the link “Search for Company & Agent”.
There, you can print any amount of copies of a new or renewal license as you want for free of charge provided your license application is processed by Sircon. But when you apply via NIPR, Sircon would charge a modest fee to print your license. It really is quite simple, may not seem spectacular framed and put up on the wall at the office.
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How long are test scores valid after passing the exam?
Test scores are valid for 90 days after passing the exam. After 90 days the exam is no longer valid and must be re-taken.
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After I submit my license application and test scores how can I verify the status of my license application?
You may utilize the link on the landing page of the Utah DOI website titled, "Search for Company/Agent." After your license has been issued it will show up. The site is updated often all through the duration of the day. License application status can also be checked on the Sircon website under the link ‘Check license renewal status’ or ‘Check license application status.’
*Supposing the license is affirmed, the license can be printed from Sircon, using the ‘Print a license’ link.
Ordinary handling time is about 5 to 10 working days, if they have all your necessary details.
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Does a person have to be licensed to receive a commission?
Yes, they must be a licensed producer. Only those who are legally licensed and hold the same lines of authority for the type of policy sold can receive any portion of a commission from a sale of insurance. This does not prohibit the payment of an override commission to an agency or person who does not sell, solicit, or negotiate insurance in Utah, unless the payment would constitute an inducement or commission rebate.
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How do I schedule my exam for the Utah Insurance License?
Examinations are managed by PSI. At the point when an individual finishes an exam registration form, either online or via telephone then pays the exam charge to PSI, PSI will send notification to the applicant of where the exam would be taken and how to plan the exam arrangement.
For the speediest and most easy examination arrangement procedure, then register online for your exams by visiting www.psiexams.com, the PSI's enrollment web webpage. Web enrollment is always accessible 24 hours of day. Visit PSI's website and sign up by creating an account. The web form will require that you enter your email address, enter your name precisely as it shows up on the ID card that you will be introducing at the center of exam. You would be requested to select the examination you would like to take, your individual and contact details, and as well plan the examination and to pay for the required fees. However the form permits you to put a ZIP code to see a rundown of nearest exam centers to you. By the time you selected your choice of exam center; you can now pick an available time and date for the examination.
Another process for enrolling and booking is by means of the phone. Call (800) 733-9267, and register via the Automated Registration System, accessible 24 hours a day, or through a live enlistment center, accessible Monday to Friday, during the hours of 5:30 am and 8:00 pm and Saturday-Sunday time of 7:00 am to 3:30 pm, Mountain Time. For you to enroll by telephone, you require a legitimate credit card (VISA, American Express MasterCard, or Discover.)
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Where is the closest PSI testing center to me?
- Hurricane (St. George)--473 N. Old Highway 91, Suite 6 Hurricane, UT 84737
- North Orem (Provo)--581 West 1600 North, Suite C North Orem, UT 84057
- North Salt Lake City--25 North 400 West, Suite 7 North Salt Lake City, UT 84054
- Sunset (Ogden)--2465 N Main Street #11C Sunset, UT 84015
Below is a list of all PSI Testing Centers in Utah. As far as which one is closest to you, how would we know?!? Try Google Maps.
Additionally, PSI has examination centers in many other regions across the United States. You may take this examination at any of these locations, but you must be fingerprinted at a Utah PSI test site.
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What ID is acceptable at the testing center?
- State issued driver’s license
- State issued identification card
- US Government Issued Passport
- US Government Issued Military Identification Card
- US Government Issued Alien Registration Card
- Canadian Government Issued ID
- Credit Card (must be signed)
- Social Security Card
- US issued Birth Certificate with Raised Seal
In Utah, candidates must register for the exam with their LEGAL first and last names as it shows up on their government provided IDs. All necessary recognizable proof underneath must match the first and last names under which the applicant is enlisted. Applicants are obliged to bring two (2) types of substantial (non-expired) mark bearing recognizable proof to the test center. In the event that the individual neglects to bring legitimate recognizable proof or the applicant names don't correspond, the prospect won't be permitted to take the test and their examination expense won't be given back to them.
Essential Identification (with photo)--Choose One
NOTE: ID must contain candidate’s photo, be valid and not expired.
Auxiliary Identification --Choose One
*NOTE: Student ID and employment ID are NOT acceptable forms of identification.
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Is an agency required to have continuing education?
No. Only individuals are required to complete continuing education for license renewals.
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I Heard the there are “experimental” questions on the test that do not count towards my final score...Is this true?
Notwithstanding the examination things indicated in the "Examination Content Outlines", a little number (5 to 10) of "trial" inquiries may be directed to the candidates amid the exams. These inquiries won't be scored and the time taken to provide answers to them won't counted against the time of examination. The inclusion of such non scored, test questions is a fundamental stride in creating future licensing exams
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Does a producer have to re-test or be fingerprinted if his license lapses?
A producer reinstating a lapsed license within one year of the license expiration date must complete the required 24 hours of CE (12 for title insurance), 3 of which must be in ethics, and pay the reinstatement fee. The producer is not required to re-test or be fingerprinted during the one-year reinstatement period. After one year, the person will have to re-apply as a new license applicant, including passing any required examination and being fingerprinted for a criminal background check.
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When will I know if I have passed the exam?
Your score will be given to you immediately following completion of the examination. In order to pass the examination, you must achieve a minimum score of 70%. If you pass, you will receive a successful score report. If you do not pass, you will receive a diagnostic report indicating your strengths and weaknesses by examination type on the score report.
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What if I fail my exam?
If you are scoring over 85% on the TESTivity exam simulator, there is no way you will fail the state exam! If a candidate fails an exam, they must re-register and pay the fee to PSI again.
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How do I renew my license?
Resident or Non-resident individuals and agencies can renew online at SIRCON or NIPR.
You will need a VISA, MasterCard, or electronic check in order to renew your license online. You can renew until 10 pm Mountain Standard Time on the renewal date.
If you have not received your renewal notice, it may be because you have failed to update your address on-line. Please be sure to update your address on the on-line renewal application.
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How long after I have a change of address must it be reported to the department?
It must be reported within 30 days. Failure to notify the department of an address change may result in the licensee not receiving important notifications and can result in a penalty fee being assessed.
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How do I change the address on my license?
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How do I request a letter of certification?
The department no longer requires nor issues Letters of Certification. If another state requires one, the licensee can obtain it electronically through SIRCON.
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How do I get a Letter of Clearance when moving from Utah to another state?
A Letter of Clearance may requested when the resident producer is leaving the state and wishes to be licensed in another state.
At this time, clearance letter requests are not available through SIRCON or NIPR. To obtain a Letter of Clearance, please submit the Change/ Request Form by faxing to 801-538-3830 or emailing as a PDF attachment to hpetermann@utah.gov.
If you wish to convert your resident license to a non-resident license, please complete Change/ Request Form with your new residential, mailing and business addresses, new phone numbers, and email address. The Utah DOI will issue you a non-resident license free of charge.
**Please be aware that the expiration date of your non-resident license will be the same as your resident license. You must obtain your resident license in your new home state within 60 days of issuance of non-resident license in the State of Utah. If the new license is not obtained within 60 days, your Utah non-resident license will be inactivated for failure to maintain home state license. Reinstatement fees will be assessed if you wish to reactivate.
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How do I get a hard copy of my license?
- Go to Sircon and click on "Check license application status" or "Check license renewal status"; or you can
- Use the department's website and click on the "Search for Company & Agent" link on the home page.
Effective October 1, 2008, the Utah Insurance Department no longer mails hard copies of new, renewal, or duplicate licenses. If you would like a hard copy, you can print it yourself by going to Sircon, and clicking on the link entitled "Print Your License." Please note that there will be a $5.50 charge. However, if you click on the following link www.produceredge.com and register, a free copy of your license can be obtained.
You can print your license as soon as it has been issued. To see if a new or renewal license has been approved and issued you can either:
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I am moving to Utah, how do I convert my existing insurance license (from another state) to a Utah resident producer’s license?
- Step 2: Establish residency in Utah.
- Step 3: Go to a PSI test center during the fingerprint walk-in hours posted on PSI's website.
- Step 4: Pay the $20 PSI processing fee, made payable by money order, cashier's check, company check, Visa or MasterCard.
- Step 5: Apply for the license outline from your home or office at www.sircon.com/utah or www.nipr.com before arriving at the test center for fingerprinting. You can also apply online using a kiosk at the test center. Payment for both the license application fee and the FBI/BCI fingerprint fee ($16.50 FBI/$20 BCI) must be made by credit card during the online license application process.
- Step 6: Upon completing the online application, print out the Sircon confirmation page as proof you have paid the FBI/BCI fees. Give the confirmation page to the test center proctor and your fingerprints will then be scanned.
- Step 7: Fingerprint results will be returned to the Department. The Department will evaluate the results and the license application prior to issuing any license.
- Step 8: Send proof of having established Utah residency, within the previous 90 days, via fax (801-538-3830), Attention: Kris Benavidez, or email it as an attachment to kbenavidez@utah.gov. This can be copy of your Utah driver's license, lease/rental agreement/ mortgage closing, or a utility bill showing the connection date. Utility bills include water/sewer, gas or electricity. Your name is required to be on the form of proof submitted.
Step 1: Within 90 days of relocating to Utah cancel your license in previous resident state. The Utah Dept. of Insurance WILL NOT issue a resident license unless your previous license is inactive.
* Electronic applications are generally processed within 5-10 business days once they have all required information (application, fees, and fingerprints completed). Please note research of the fingerprints may cause a delay. The Utah insurance department is required to allow 30 days for BCI/FBI to process fingerprints. If it has been more than 10 working days, you may contact kbenavidez@utah.gov to inquire if additional information is needed.
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What if it has been over 90 days since I moved to Utah and I have not converted my license?
- Step 1: Cancel your license in previous resident state. We WILL NOT issue a resident license here unless your previous license is inactive.
- Step 2: Establish residency in Utah.
- Step 3: Register for the Utah Laws & Regulations exam appointment through PSI. You may register online at PSI or by calling 1-800-733-9267.
- Step 4: Take and pass the Laws and Regulations exam.
- Step 5: While at the testing center, apply for your license online through Sircon and pay the required fees. There are kiosks set up at PSI to complete the application. *PRINT THE RECEIPT AT THE END OF THE TRANSACTION, SHOWING THE CONFIRMATION NUMBER AND PROOF THAT FEES HAVE BEEN PAID. You will need this to be fingerprinted.
- Step 6: Get fingerprinted before you leave the testing center.
- Step 7: Send proof of having established Utah residency, within the previous 90 days, via fax (801-538-3830), or email it as an attachment to kbenavidez@utah.gov. This can be copy of your Utah driver's license, lease/rental agreement/ mortgage closing, or a utility bill showing the connection date. Utility bills include water/sewer, gas or electricity. Your name is required to be on the form of proof submitted.
*Electronic applications are generally processed within 5-10 business days once we have all required information (application, fees, and fingerprints completed). Please note research of the fingerprints may cause a delay. We are required to allow 30 days for BCI/FBI to process fingerprints. If it has been more than 10 working days, you may contact kbenavidez@utah.gov to inquire if additional information is needed.
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What if it has been over 365 days since I moved to Utah and I have not converted my license?
You must take and pass the licensing exam(s) and apply as a first time applicant.
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How do I get an appointment with an insurance company?
After obtaining your license, you need an appointment with an insurer or a designation with an agency to conduct insurance transactions for an insurer. Contact your employing insurance company or agency organization in order to be properly appointed as its producer or designee.
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How much is all this going to cost me?
- Life — $59
- Accident/Health — $59
- Life and Accident/Health — $74
- Property & Casualty — $74
- Personal Lines — $59
The BEST online insurance school will cost you $134
(unless you have a coupon code)
Examination Fees
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If I am licensed in another state do I have to take an exam to get a Utah non-resident producer’s insurance license?
No. Pursuant to UCA Section 31A-23a-109, Utah generally has reciprocity with other states. Provided that your application and fees have been properly submitted to the department, and your license in your home state is in good standing, Utah will issue a non-resident license to an individual or organization holding the same license in their resident state.
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I am a claims adjuster. What do I do if I want to adjust claims in Utah?
Independent and Public Adjusters are required to be licensed in Utah.
If the resident state DOES license for the adjuster license, we will generally have reciprocity with that state and will issue a license based upon your compliance with your resident state. Applications are completed electronically via Sircon or NIPR.
If you resident state DOES NOT license adjusters, we will issue a license if you either pass our exam or already hold a non-resident adjuster license in another state. The option to apply electronically is not available; therefore you must submit the NAIC Uniform Application.
The application must be submitted via email or fax. The Utah Department of Insurance does not accept mailed applications or checks. You can email the application to Heidi at hpetermann@utah.gov or fax to 801-538-3830. A credit card number must be provided.
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What do I do if I move or change my contact phone number?
- The name and title of the individual submitting the amendment,
- The relationship to the licensee of the individual submitting the amendment,
- The following attestation made by the individual submitting the amendment: "I hereby attest that all of the information submitted is true and correct, and that I am the individual licensee for whom the requested change is being submitted, or an authorized responsible representative of the individual or agency licensee for whom the requested change is being submitted."
Section 31A-23a-412 of the Utah Insurance Code requires all licensees to notify the Commissioner in writing, within 30 days, of any change of address or telephone number. Producer licensees must process their own license changes electronically via SIRCON.
Correspondence from the Department is mailed to the licensee's business mailing address on file with the department. If a PO Box is used, a street address must also be furnished.
If you are moving from one state to another, you are not able to complete your address change through SIRCON or NIPR. In accordance with Rule R590-244-11, this request must be submitted via fax, email or a PDF attachment to an email:
Please submit the request by faxing to 801-538-3830 or emailing as a PDF attachment to licensing.uid@utah.gov.
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Do I have to notify the Department of Insurance if I change my name? What about changing the name of my insurance business?
Individual name changes are completed online with SIRCON.
At this time, organizations are not able to complete name changes through SIRCON or NIPR. Please submit the Change/Requestform by faxing to 801-538-3830 or emailing as a PDF attachment to licensing.uid@utah.gov.
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Where can I get the forms referenced on this page?
Other than the few exceptions provided under UCA Rule R590-244, all license applications, appointments, designations and license amendments are now required to be submitted electronically to the department using SIRCON or NIPR. The forms may be used only for those exceptions that cannot be submitted electronically via SIRCON or NIPR. All others may be rejected as incomplete and returned to the submitter without being processed, with any paid fees forfeited to the State of Utah. That being said, here are the links to every posisble form you could want from the Utah Insurance Department:
Utah Insurance Licensing Forms --Downloadable and printable .pdf document will open in seperate window-- | |
Candidate Handbook | Insurance License Application |
Letter of Clearance | Insurance License Application-Business Entity |
Insurance License Cancelation Request Form | License Reinstatement Application |
License Renewal Application | Letter of Certification Request Form |
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